As we celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month, take a look at a list of our favorite Hispanic talents. Check out our curated gallery inside.

Romantic partners will come and go, but your girlfriends are here for a lifetime. Check out a gallery of our favorite onscreen girlfriends.

To celebrate National Road Trip Day, we collected our favorite road trip movies to get you in the mood. Check out our list inside.

National Georgia Day commemorates when the state of Georgia entered the Union. We celebrate with a list of famous actors who represent inside.

Happy Aunty and Uncle Day! We didn't realize some celebs actually hate being called aunty. Check out a list of celebrities who would prefer not to be called Aunty inside. 

Grab your hiking boots, a light snack, and some water because today is National Take a Hike Day! The annual event encourages people to get active while enjoying the scenery by tackling the world's best hiking trails. Check out 10 of the most scenic hikes in the world to celebrate National Take A Hike Day inside.

Grab yourself a Frappuccino and a puppuccino for your sweet puppy and gush over your favorite celebrities and their adorable puppies to celebrate the occasion. 

It’s Black Poetry Day, and today we honor those ingenious men and women who have been brave enough to bare their souls through literature and share it with the world. Why commemorate on October 17th? According to sources, Jupiter Hammon, the first published black poet in the United States, was born in Long Island, New […]

For the past 20 minutes I sat at my desk, going through thousands of pictures and trying to find the image of this burger I had while I was in Austin, Texas. It was a delicious creator that became much more than your ordinary when an evil culinary genius decided to serve an all beef patty between […]