<p>Adam Lambert’s debut album is coming out much earlier than planned, some time this summer. That’s great news for fans of the "American Idol" runner-up, but it could be a big headache for some of the major corporations behind the talent show, who have been beaten to the punch by a pair of small, indie […]

Prince has the hots for Salma Hayek. As Us Weekly points out, the Jehovah’s Witness praises the star in his new song "Valentina," which happens to be the name of Hayek’s 18-month-old daughter. "Hey Valentina, tell your mama she should give me a call/ When she get tired of runnin’ after you down the hall/And […]

Dude. As we all know, The Cosby Show was way ahead of its time. But who knew that, in addition to being groundbreaking reprzentation for African-Americans, it had a Desi flava, too? Check out this show intro mashup:

Rapper Eminem is back with new bile-spewing lyrics on the single "We Made You," in which he tears down one celebrity after another – including Alaska Governor Sarah Palin, who’s the target of some sexually explicit celebu-taunts in the music video for the song. The new track is a single from Eminem’s latest album "Relapse," […]

I’m sure many of you would say Amen, if I asked you – has a song made you feel good? Has a song made you cry? Has a song motivated you? Has a song made you beg the question why? I wanted to share with each of you an experience I had last night, where […]

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