An Oklahoma teen was arrested late last week and charged after engaging in sexual acts with children at a Kenyan home where he volunteered in April. The school, founded by an American citizen, recruits volunteers from an Oklahoma church community and provides food, housing, and clothes to neglected children in Nairobi, according to the complaint. Matthew Lane […]


  This world is a crazy place! Especially in the case of a young Kenyan man who was hacked in the face with a machete for defending an orphanage from a gang of thugs.  STORY:HOLY JEEZ! Landlord Uses Machete To Kill Tenant And Himself A few days ago, a Kenyan man named Omari was released […]


Hayley Williams is definitely one of the coolest women in the music industry right now. The fun-sized front woman for alternative rock band, Paramore, got it in at the Rosklide Festival in Denmark, energetically commanding the stage while her bandmates played. Wearing a tank top with the name of Paramore’s upcoming album Brand New Eyes […]


Being a member of the globalgrind staff is amazing, simply because you get to see things through the eyes of Russell Simmons. Last night he was in St. Barts with EVERYBODY! Check out his pics. Enjoy.