
When Jay-Z makes his return to Saturday Night Live tomorrow night, most people are going to be focused on the night’s guest host, with Betty White. But here at GG, we’re off that. Betty White is awesome, don’t get us wrong, but anytime Jay-Z performs on television live, we’re tuning in. His performances are always […]


Last night, American Idol brought America’s pop music princess, Lady GaGa, in what was her second appearance on the singing competition, but according to GaGa, the audience at home didn’t get to see the full length performance of her current single, ‘Alejandro.’ Thankfully we have the Internet. Last night after the show aired, GaGa took […]


U.S. soldiers in Afghanistan remake Lady Gaga’s ‘Telephone’. It seems our soldier’s have plenty of time on their hands. Enough time to make spoof videos, they are nuts its a funny spoof with what they are working with. It’s dope that in a war zone spirits are high and I can’t even imagine being in […]


The music video has always been a great promotional tool, but it has also has the potential to provoke and make us think. While most artists go for a simple performance or club video,  some have used their videos  to push the envelope. Inspired by M.I.A.’s “Born Free” video (which was recently banned by Youtube), […]

Amber Rose was caught by the paparazzi once again while out on the town. This time the bald headed beauty was snapped in a skin-tight pink get up, minus any clothes on her bottom half. I am not complaining as Amber Rose’s body is a work of art and the more skin she shows the […]

It’s hard to believe that Lady Gaga was ever anything less than the biggest pop star in the world. With the amount of fame that she’s acquired over the past year, she seems invincible. Her fashion sense combined with that ‘I don’t give a f*ck’ attiude creates for a persona that doesn’t seem real. Lady […]


Lady Gaga will never run out of ideas for outfits, i am convinced that her closet is endless. From blood soaked outfits to dirt ridden dresses Gaga’s wardrobe is Amazingly Ridiculous and we don’t see her slowing down anytime soon.For instance check her out here as Gaga performs on stage in Tokyo dressed in an […]

Lady Gaga is doing big things, her album is certified diamond, Ke$ha is excited about being compared to her and well everyone loves Gaga right? Well everyone except Grace Jones. The 80’s cult icon was recently asked about Lady Gaga and Grace Jones gave the realest answer ever. According to FYB: The 61-year-old Jamaican-born model/actress/singer […]

It has been reported that Nicki Minaj could be touring with Lady Gaga. After recently declining to tour with Rihanna it makes me wonder what exactly is going on. Both Ladies are incredibly sexy and could bring in a lot of tour dollars. Imagine how crazy a Rihanna and Nicki Minaj track could be. EPIC! […]


Everyone know that your hair can make or break your look. Whether your hair is long or short, straight or curly, natural or relaxed, hair can be your best feature. We have seen some celebrities do some amazing things with their mane, and set of trends that everyone copies. Lets take a look at some […]


Lady Gaga isn’t just hot in America, she’s an international star. She’s on the April issue of FHM Germany magazine, and as usual she’s looking Gaga-ish. It’s good to see that Lady Gaga’s getting press still and people are still caring. I thought that folks would be Gaga’d out already, but she’s still going strong. […]


If you are a singer, then your voice is everything. The notes you can hit and how good you sound will determine your success. Although looks don’t determine your success completely, an artist’s image definitely has a lot of effect on how far their career goes. R&B & Pop singers are known to look good, […]