Democratic presidential candidate Jim Webb said the Democratic party has “moved way far to the left,” in an interview with Fox News Sunday; he also backed southern…

Video posted Wednesday of Philadelphia police officers beating and kicking a man as he lay face down during an April arrest has prompted an internal…

On Monday, yet another model of color spoke out about the racism inherent in the fashion industry. South Sudanese model Nykhor Paul took to Instagram to vent about her most recent experience with a makeup artist being unable to work with her darker skin. Paul has been modeling since she was 17 years old and has appeared in […]

In the bloody aftermath of a bitter debate sparked by a racially motivated massacre at Emanuel AME Church last month, the Confederate flag will no…


In response to complaints that New York City's police force fails to reflect the city's multiculturalism, the department on Wednesday welcomed about 1,217 recruits to


Paula Deen may still be recovering from last year's leaked deposition that revealed her use of the N-word and affinity for slave-themed weddings, but that


South Carolina Solicitor Scarlett Wilson on Tuesday announced that a grand jury indicted Dylann Roof on nine counts of murder for the Charleston Mother Emanuel


Hartland, MN firefighter who flew Confederate flag on fire truck has been suspended, @AP reports. — Chris Hrapsky (@ChrisHrapsky) July 5, 2015 A volunteer…


Despite a pledge to usher in a new era of diversity and inclusion, social media giant Twitter employs just 49 Black people out of

Slow clap to BET for the 2015 BET Awards. I must say, for the year we’ve been having, I am so glad that President Debra Lee and the good folks at the network put on a phenomenal show this year. I was blessed enough to be able to come out to Los Angeles, California to attend the […]


Renaming the Charleston library she served for 30 years is a fitting tribute to Cynthia Hurd, one of the nine churchgoers killed during the AME Shooting last


All four Confederate flags posted at Alabama state Capitol’s Confederate memorial were removed Wednesday morning following a quiet order from the state’s governor, Robert Bentley (R).…