
John Roberts, Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court is seriously considering stepping down from the nation’s highest court for personal reasons. Roberts, known for his right leaning philosophy, has been on the Supreme Court since 2005, he was nominated by President George W. Bush after the death of former Chief Justice William Rehnquist. […]


Ok, ok, John Mayer wasn’t talking about that kind of Jay-Z’s longevity…. he was showing props to his man in this upcoming documentary that Absolut Vodka is sponsoring about New York’s King, called NY-Z. They have released the trailer for the film, which appears to be centered around Jay-Z and his artistry. In the video, […]

Ke$ha is a wild girl. The Tik Tok singer had a lengthy twitter battle with John Mayer which ended in Ke$ha asking to see John Mayer‘s private parts. The exchange all started when John Mayer wrote a twitter letter to Ke$ha saying:  ‘Dear Ke$ha, you won me over with your tricks and charms and I […]

<p>As reported by informants upon Sun at half past four in the evening, John Albert Gardner, an enrolled sex criminal, is taken into custody. The San Diego</p>

<p>Thoroughly Modern Millie is an album of lyrics. This album has its basis on the movie in the name of Thoroughly Modern Millie, which was released way back</p>


A somewhat heated exchange between Sen. John McCain and President Obama:Check out the awkward exchange between the Obama and McCain. Obama seems to be upset, or at least not in the mood for joking around. McCain’s comeback about how he is reminded of the fact that he lost the election say’s a lot, first that […]

<p>John Shuster was born on 3rd of November 1982. He is a curler from Olympic, Chisholm and Minnesota medalist. His hobbies are hunting, fantasy football and</p>

<p>Being in the field of cellular regeneration for the past thirty years of his life Dr. John Apsley perfected a unique form of electrical acupuncture just</p>

<p>John Mayer is looking embarrass on the comments he made about the African American Women and now, he wants to apologize from all people who were hurt by&nbsp;</p>

John Mayer had a break down during an onstage apology and sounded like he was in tears. During the onstage apology, Mayer apologized to his band members after his Playboy Interview made headlines on Wednesday over his comments about Black women and his private parts. While on stage John Mayer claimed to have lost himself […]

John Mayer had a break down during an onstage apology and sounded like he was in tears. During the onstage apology, Mayer apologized to his band members after his Playboy Interview made headlines on Wednesday over his comments about Black women and his private parts. While on stage John Mayer claimed to have lost himself […]


I clearly remember the first two tapes I owned.  I was probably like 6..nah, maybe 7.  I listened to them so much that the writing on the tapes faded quickly.  I remember walking to the bus stop to catch the school bus and trying to remember the words to Peter Piper.  It probably took me […]