The Daily Grind Video

Supermodel, Elaine Irwin recently separated from her husband, John Cougar Mellencamp after 18 years of marriage and it hasn’t been the easiest split. But, she’s all about the future and is undoubtedly the new ‘IT’ girl on the market. GlobalGrind has the pleasure of speaking with this beautiful, legendary model for an EXCLUSIVE interview, and when asked about how she felt of her separation after 18 years, Irwin said, ‘The only thing certain in life is change itself. Change is good, some would say it is our greatest teacher, and I am embracing it’.  

Elaine for years has been a model citizen, a blue girl in a red state. Elaine, the face of Almay Cosmetics, has always been thoughtful and outspoken about her political views. In 2004, she was an at-large delegate at the Democratic National Convention and has played a great role in helping President Obama achieve his goals and dreams. Speaking on her political thoughts, she told us, ‘I have beliefs and convictions that I won’t compromise on. For instance 22 year old boys losing body parts over an unnecessary war, that was hard for me to stomach.’

Elaine has for decades graced the covers of many magazines, including Vogue, which was shot by one of America’s greatest photographers, Richard Avedon. She is raising her two children in Indiana and her beauty, inside and out, gets a GlobalGrind salute! She is a MODEL CITIZEN.


Elaine Irwin.


Elaine Irwin on the cover of Vogue.


Elaine Irwin, self-portrait.


Elaine Irwin & The Dalai Lama


Elaine Irwin


Elaine Irwin.


Elaine Irwin.


Elaine Irwin.


Elaine Irwin.