The Daily Grind Video

Can we hear a resounding “thank goodness it is Monday?” We know, the expression is normally reserved for Fridays, but today is a holiday Monday so raise your morning coffee cups in celebration of Presidents Day!

To celebrate the day that honors our country’s leaders, it is only right that we spend No Money Monday exploring free things to do in the place that our presidents reside during their term: Washington D.C.

If you’re in the D.C. area, roll out of your “day off” sweatpants and enjoy a couple of our tips for things to do on Presidents Day that won’t cost you any of your President covered currency. Who says you have to remember them by spending their faces?

Learn About The History Of Campaigning:

In this free exhibit (with an admission fee of $21.95 for adults) that opened just last week, you can learn a little about how presidential media coverage has evolved from William McKinley’s 1896 front-porch campaign to Barack Obama’s 2008 Internet campaign. The exhibit also features interactive activities and an original video production on televised campaign ads, shown on a 100-foot-wide video screen in the Newseum’s Big Screen Theater.

The Newseum is located on 6th St. and Pennsylvania Ave. in Washington, DC.

More ticket info can be found here!


Celebrate George Washington’s Birthday With A Parade:

What better way to celebrate our first president than with a grand parade to honor his birthday? Check out the festivities that will take place in Old Town Alexandria through the streets where Washington once walked. Can’t get enough of the town after the parade? Stick around for tours of the historic landmark that was an important port during the colonial, revolutionary and Civil War periods.


Money Tip:

Think about your cost-per-wear when shopping. This tip may apply to the habitual shoppers the most, but is a great rule of thumb to have when the urge to indulge on sales hits you. If you purchase a $20 jacket on sale that you kind of like but don’t love and wear it once, then your cost-per-wear is $20, no big sale there. On the other hand, if you purchase a good quality jacket that you love, is practical, and a little more expensive at say $100 but you wear it 10 times, that expensive jacket has a cost-per-wear that is a lot lower than the $20 jacket that you wore once and tossed. Invest in good pieces because sometimes that sale is just the store’s way of getting undesirables out of their store and in to your closet, even if you don’t need it.