The Daily Grind Video

(Football by Sara Kaufman, The Cheese Lady)

There’s bound to a ton of cheese at your Super Bowl party on Sunday: your main man with the lame jokes, the blue cheese your girl got for snacking on celery and broccoli, cheese dips for nachos, cheesy Super Bowl commercials and, of course, the ever present pizza pie. You and your mans and ’em will inhale most, if not all of this cheese in front of a TV this weekend. But do you know you can do other things with cheese besides eat it while watching the biggest TV event in America? Things like making a sculpture? It’s really simple since cheese is moldable and easy to acquire, unlike steel, marble or granite. Paper comes to mind, but oragami’s not your thing.

To get your design ideas churning, GlobalGrind has assembled the illest cheese sculptures on the planet for inspiration. Grab your wallet and a spatula and get to work!



Kaufman also carved this “Have a Merry Dairy Christmas” calf she made for New York’s dairy building.


An Indiana Colts homage du fromage.


This cheddar sculpture of the 16th President of the United States was made from a 1,000-pound block of mild Cheddar cheese by sculptor Troy Landwehr. Photo courtesy of Tiffany Bridge.


Sarah Kaufmann designed this for the Indiana State Fair in 2007 out of locally made mild Cheddar cheese.


The Founding Fathers of America never looked cheesier.


The Aircraft Carrier USS Ronal Reagan. We’re glad we skipped that party.


This Obama bust is a solid 20kg block of LowLow mature cheese.


This stunning faux marble cheese sculpture is made from soft and hard cheeses.


A laughing, seated, cheddar Buddha? Or a cheesy Confucious? Either way, there’s wisdom in cheddar.


Sarah The Cheese Lady knows her way around dairy. Seen here is the Pittsburgh skyline.


Cheese artist Prudence Staitehe’s Dita von Teese model is made almost entirely of cheese.


An entire slice of life, made out of cheese!
