The Daily Grind Video

Justin Bieber has the power to save lives!

STORY: Is Justin Bieber The King of Hip-Pop?

Megan Ham from Vancouver, Washington suffers from a rare neurological condition called Lissencephaly that affects only 1,000 children worldwide. The condition leaves Megan unable to walk or talk and suffer from several seizures a day. Megan was not expected to live past her second birthday.

However, thanks to a little Justin Bieber, Megan has surpassed medical odds! The now 11-year-old 5th grader responds to only a few things, and one of them is music by Justin Bieber! Megan’s teachers were the first to notice the instant smile and energy she gets when she hears his music.

“It really helps her to get through the day,” said teacher Kim Graves. “It keeps her happy and it keeps her comfortable.” Fox 12 News says that Megan’s response to his music is something doctors never thought would be possible. It has also given her the ability to interact with her family.

This opportunity has opened many doors for the family, including the chance to meet JB. Justin sent out a tweet a few days ago stating he’s going to make sure they can meet when he gives a concert in Portland. Although Megan may not be able to see him because her vision is impaired, we’re 100 percent positive she will light up.

Kudos to Justin, our love for him just grew a little bit more!