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Megan Fox may have stunned with her post-baby body when she appeared at this weekend’s Golden Globe Awards.

PHOTOS: Megan Fox Flaunts Post Baby Body In Dolce 

But she also stunned the world she walked away from Twitter after just 5 days on the social network! 

Well, the Jennifer’s Body actress finally talked about her issue with the social media network during a red carpet interview with Access Hollywood

“I gave in to see what it was all about – I don’t have the time to keep up with Twitter,” she explained.

“I have a baby that I need to take care of and I don’t ever want my son to look at me and ask why I’m always on the computer or always on the phone and my answer to be that I’m ‘social networking.’ So, he’s my priority and it’s just not for me.”

Apparently tweeting will take too much time away from little baby Noah. Hey, to each her own! We’re just a little disappointed we won’t be able to keep up with Megan real time. 

Do you think Megan made the right move ending her run on Twitter?

SOURCE: Access Hollywood