The Daily Grind Video

John Wayne Gacy Jr., the serial killer who lived in Waterloo, Iowa for awhile, has been the talk of the blogosphere since Minnesota Rep. Michele Bachmann made inexplicably compared herself to him, saying that, “John Wayne was from Waterloo, Iowa. That’s the kind of spirit that I have, too.”

STORY: John Wayne Gacy’s Spirit Is In Michele Bachmann (PHOTOS)

Turns out John Wayne, the iconic rugged western film actor, was born in Winterset, Iowa and John Wayne Gacy the serial killer, spent time in Waterloo.

Bachmann has since acknowledged her blunder telling CNN, she was “just misspeaking” and that her main intent was to show she identified with Wayne’s patriotism. 

Huge gaffe avoided. Well almost.

Bachmann turned up to ABC’s “Good Morning America” with George Stephanopoulos and he asked her to clear up a statement she made about John Quincy Adams being a Founding Father.

STORY: Michele Bachmann Is Getting That Obama Money (PHOTOS)

As Stephanopoulos pointed out to the would-be Republican presidential candidate, Adams wasn’t one of the Founding Fathers, he was President and he was Secretary of State and a member of Congress. 

At this rate, it looks like we will have plenty of more faux pas from the G.O.P. candidate, so take a look at some of her past missteps and blunders. 


On Gay Marriage:

“Gay marriage is probably the biggest issue that will impact our state and our nation in the last, at least, thirty years. I am not understating that.” 

Gay marriage has impacted New York State for the better and it is increasingly being accepted by states across America.


On Harmful Gases: 

“Carbon dioxide is portrayed as harmful. But there isn’t even one study that can be produced that shows that carbon dioxide is a harmful gas.” -Rep. Michelle Bachmann, April, 2009. 

Prolonged exposure to carbon dioxide can be toxic to the heart and causes diminished contractile force.


On The Bible:

“I just take the Bible for what it is, I guess, and recognize that I am not a scientist, not trained to be a scientist. I’m not a deep thinker on all of this. I wish I was. I wish I was more knowledgeable, but I’m not a scientist.”

Really, you’re not a scientist? We would have never guessed.


On Global Warming:

“It’s all voodoo, nonsense, hokum, a hoax.”

Tell that to the thousands of fish, birds and all other life that has suffered mass deaths in the last couple months due to global warming. 


On Swine Flu:

“I find it interesting that it was back in the 1970s that the swine flu broke out under another, then under another Democrat president, Jimmy Carter. I’m not blaming this on President Obama, I just think it’s an interesting coincidence.” This is just off the wall nuts, President Obama was responsible for the swine flu?


On Children And Homosexuality:

“And what a bizarre time we’re in, when a judge will say to little children that you can’t say the pledge of allegiance­, but you must learn that homosexual­ity is normal and you should try it.”

What teacher ever told a child that they should try homosexuality?


On Our Founding Fathers:

“Well if you look at one of our Founding Fathers, John Quincy Adams, he was a very young boy when he was with his father serving essentially as his father’s secretary. He tirelessly worked throughout his life to make sure that we did in fact one day eradicate slavery…”

John Quincy Adams wasn’t a Founding Father, he was President, he was Secretary of State and he was a member of Congress.


On Going Green:

 “They want Americans to take transit and move to the inner cities. They want Americans to move to the urban core, live in tenements and take light rail to their government jobs. That’s their vision for America.”

Well what’s your version, apple pie and picket fences? That’s old school thinkning, come join us in the 21st century Mrs. Bachmann. A little carpooling never hurt anybody.