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In Mitt Romney’s latest attempt to pander to Latino voters, he tried to clean up the comments he made trashing “47 percent” of Americans in an appearance on Univision Wednesday night.  

VIDEO: Republicans Attack! Conservatives Claim Obama Believes In “Redistribution” 

During a televised forum on the Hispanic station held in Miami, Romney said that his campaign supports “the 100 percent in America.” He also explained that he was talking about gaining support for his campaign when he was recorded calling half of the nation moochers at a fundraiser in a leaked video. 

“I know that I’m not going to get 100 percent of the vote and my campaign will focus on those people we think we can bring in to support me, but this is a campaign about helping people who need help. My campaign is about the 100 percent in America.”

Romney also touched on the issue of immigration, without giving any specifics about what he would do to solve the problem as president.

In 2008, an overwhelming majority of Latinos voted for President Obama. Even though Romney is trying to court their vote now, it doesn’t seem like he will get very far. We think every demographic is just about over him!

SOURCE: Daily Mail Online