The Daily Grind Video

The Republican presidential candidates for President squared off at the Ronald Reagan Library in California, and it’s safe to say the gloves came off.

It was the back and forth between former Massachusetts  Gov. Mitt Romney and current Texas Gov. Rick Perry that made the debate exciting, with both men sparring all night on issues ranging from the immigration to social security.

As Reported By The Associated Press:

Far more than in earlier GOP debates this summer, the candidates mixed it up in their first faceoff since Perry entered the race and almost instantly overtook Romney as front-runner in opinion polls. Those two – as well as other contenders on stage – sniped at one another, contradicted allegations and interrupted media questioners to demand opportunities to take each other on.

“Michael Dukakis created jobs three times faster than you did, Mitt,” Perry jabbed in the debate’s opening moments, referring to one of Romney’s Democratic predecessors as governor of Massachusetts.

“As a matter of fact, George Bush and his predecessors created jobs at a faster rate than you did,” Romney shot back at Perry, the 10-year incumbent Texas governor.