The Daily Grind Video

Anna Wintour has officially announced her support for President Obama in the upcoming election, which isn’t a surprise to many. Well, apparently it was to conservative radio personality Glenn Beck.

Anna’s support for our President was none other than a contradiction in his eyes. It made him so mad, he called her “the devil.” We guess that’s fitting since most people associate her with that name from The Devil Wears Prada

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“She is everything she says that the Republicans are, and she’s Obama’s supporter,” said Beck.

Because of her reputation as the Editor-in-Chief at Vogue magazine, he claims she is the ultimate capitalist and questions how she can be a part of a campaign when her actions contradict with its beliefs.

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Glenn went on to not only criticize her vote, but her accent. He questioned whether she is really from a foreign county.

One thing we know for sure is Wintour’s response will show him how much of a devil she really is! Give it a rest Glenn. 

SOURCE: Hollywood Reporter