The Daily Grind Video

Danny McBride and Nick Swardson star in the movie 30 Minutes or Less which hit theaters on Thursday all over the country.

The movie is about two criminals who kidnap a pizza delivery guy, strap a bomb to his chest and tell him that he has to rob a bank in a certain amount of time or the bomb explodes.

We at GlobalGrind sat down with Danny and Nick to talk about this interesting and hilarious new film! 

GG: Your characters are described in the production notes as two low lifes with more ambitions than brains. How would you guys describe your characters?

Danny: That’s pretty much dead on, right?

Nick: Add in the word supermodels. Two low life supermodels that could easily be modeling somewhere fancy but choose to do destructive things, but they’re gorgeous. 

Danny: Yes, they use their modeling abilities for evil instead of good.

Nick: Correct.

And yet somehow you are incredibly likeable, even with your evil intentions.

Danny: At the end of the day, Dwayne and Travis are both really doing what they’re doing because they want acceptance. Travis wants to be accepted by Dwayne and people can get behind that.


Did you root for Dwayne?

Danny: Yes, secretly as you watch this film you do kind of want to see him being able to pull off what he’s trying to pull off, right?

Nick: When I grew up I always liked the bad guys more then the good guys, so I think in this case people will like the bad guys in this film. Also, because Aziz [Ansari] and Jesse [Eisenberg] are stupid.

Danny: They already know that.

We heard that you hated the mustache, which we notice is gone now. What’s up with you and the ‘stache?

Nick: I had to grow my hair out and I had this mustache and I just looked like some dude on To Catch a Predator or something. I didn’t feel very sexy about myself, not that I do anyway. But, it was just I could never take it off.

So when I wasn’t shooting, I was walking around and I feel like people were hiding their kids and wondering, who’s that guy? That guy looks dangerous. I had like full meals in my mustache and it was just making me angry.

Danny: He would come to work and whole chicken wings would fall out of his mustache and it was really weird.

Nick: It was gross. I had like a cupcake one day.

The writing in this film, it’s such a sort of off-brand style of comedy. What did you guys think about this style of comedy and the dialogue?

Danny: I always prefer comedies that push the boundaries of what’s acceptable. Comedy is the place to explore things that are not faux pas to do in public or in real life. I like comedy that pushes things and plays around with what’s acceptable. And comedy that infuses violence and action as well, it just is something unique. It’s something you don’t see everyday at the movies.

Nick: Just to get a script where the story has never been told, characters you’ve never seen, it’s exciting when you get a script like that. 


Did you have a lot of fun with this and was there any chance of possibly hurting yourself with that firepack on your back?

Nick: We had a lot of fun with it, it was total improvising. Reuben the director gave us free reign to just go kind of crazy. Me and Danny improvised a ton and I did not hurt myself with the flamethrower, thank the lord. I thought for sure, I was going to be burning, man.

Danny: He trained a lot with the flamethrower. I’d come home to the hotel, we were all staying in this hotel during the shoot, and Nick would be in the bar at the hotel or in the lounge lighting the place up, just practicing, going over his lines.

Nick: I was scared I was going to get burned and then Danny came into my room one night while I was sleeping and he was like, wake up pussy, just get it over with and then lit me on fire. 

The U.S. women’s team almost won the World Cup this year. Why do you think the rest of the world is tuned in and everyone in America isn’t?

Danny: Do you want to know the real reason why Americans don’t watch soccer? Because it’s not easy to put commercials, there’s no timeouts like there is in football or baseball.

It’s capitalism.

Danny: It’s capitalism, it’s not easy to put commercials in the middle of a soccer game so we don’t get it.

Nick: I love soccer. I grew up playing it so I’m very excited.

I also grew up as a woman and a supermodel. So, you know I’m interested in the final. Go USA! And go boobs and vaginas!