The Daily Grind Video

The legendary Prince brought out none other than Kanye Westyesterday, August 13, during a performance of “If I Was Your Girlfriend.”

The performance took place at the Way Out West Festivial in Sweden as fans went crazy, as expected. Prince won’t just share the stage with anyone, remember how he kicked Kim K off his stage earlier this year? Well it looks like Kanye is on a whole other level as Prince graciously let Kanye take control of the stage for a short time during his concert. Luckily Kanye was a bit more graceful on stage than when he fell during a different performance a few days ago.

VIDEO: Kanye West “All Falls Down” On Stage

It’s safe to say concertgoers got their money’s worth yesterday in Sweden.

Check out the video! You can fast forward to the 2:29 mark for Kanye’s own performance.