The Daily Grind Video

Oops, it happened again!

In the past week, we’ve seen a lot of our favorite celeb diva’s unmentionables full out and exposed. Now we can add country sweetheart Taylor Swift to the list of “whoopsie daisies.”

In a scene reminiscent of Marilyn Monroe’s infamous 1954 subway photo shoot, Tay’s royal blue dress flew up to reveal a pair of white spanx while she was on stage performing “You Belong With Me.”

When Taylor noticed that everyone could see her tail feather, she slowly pulled her dress down, giggled and continued to sing.

10 Hip-Hop Songs Taylor Swift Should Cover (PHOTOS)

Gracefully done, we must say. But of course, she’s no stranger to embarassing moments on stage. Perhaps Taylor can credit her tact to the 2009 moment when hit producer/rapper Kanye West dissed her on stage at the MTV VMAs.

Even in the face of a monster, Taylor can bellow like a beast. GlobalGrind loves you Taylor!

Check out footage of Ms. Swift’s mishap below.