The Daily Grind Video

Today is the most important day in Arab history since the Prophet Mohammed.

Egypt and Tunisia’s “Arab Spring” was a dress rehearsal for today’s NATO-assisted, popular and authentic uprising against of the most ruthless Arab dictatorship since Saddam Hussein.

Where Is Moammar Gadhafi? Libyan Leader Vanishes (PHOTO)

Why is this so important? Because in the “Arab Spring” there was always a dark subtext: that Egypt and Tunisia’s autocrats were “too soft.”

That harder men, Qaddafi in Libya and Assad in Syria, would learn from their weaker dictators and that the way to retain control is to kill as many people as necessary, the way Hafiz Assad, the Syrian leader’s father, destroyed a town called Hama, killing 25,000 people, a real genocide.

If Qaddafi couldn’t make it work, it means that the Arab Spring needs no quotes around it. It is real. It means the contours of the Middle East will have changed forever.
With Libya joining Egypt and Tunisia, Syria and even Iran are in play.

Gadhafi On The Ropes: Tripoli On Brink Of Falling

Change, revolution, are always messy. Yemen and Saudi Arabia are messy and problematic. But the dye is now cast and the Islamic world will never be the same.


The courage of President Obama, to join with French and British leaders, against intense right-wing attacks, to push NATO troops into support for the heroic leaders of the uprising in Libya, based in Bengazi.
Libya is the turning point in the Middle East. The beginning not just of the reality of the Arab Spring, but also of a long needed renaissance in Middle Eastern Islam.
Obama has work to do at home, everybody knows this. But he will forever be remembered as one of the great leaders of his day, killing Osama Bin Laden and toppling the most viscous tyrant in the middle east without, unlike his predecessor, starting a war.

He won the Nobel Prize for Peace early — too early — but he proved up to the challenge of that honor.

The rebels in Libya, maligned and dismissed by Republicans, say they would not be in Tripoli, the nation’s capital, today, without, once again, America.

—Osman Eralp

Co-Founder of GlobalGrind and COO Of Rush Communications