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Steve Jobs has officially resigned as CEO of Apple and named Tim Cook as his replacement. In Jobs’ letter to the Wall Street Journal he wrote, “I strongly recommend that we execute our succession plan and name Tim Cook as CEO of Apple.” 

Steve Jobs Resigns From Apple!!

But just who is Tim Cook?

In 2009 Wired wrote, “If there’s one man Jobs himself trusts to stand in his shoes, it is his second in command, Apple Chief Operating Officer Tim Cook.” Cook has been helping Jobs make Apple the leaders in innovation for some time now. He’s actually has sort of been the CEO for some time now as Cook has been handling the day to day operations since Jobs took an indefinite leave of absence due to his health issues.


1.  He is 50 years old, born in Alabama and went to Auburn University.

2.  Cook is credited for pulling Apple out of the manufacturing business, which saved the company millions of dollars and focused the company on retail.

3.  He is openly gay.

4.  He begins sending emails out at 4:30AM and regularly holds Sunday night staff meetings on the phone to prepare for the week.

5.  He is a fitness enthusiast.

Deemed a workaholic by Fortune magazine, Cook is probably the only one who knows what Apple means aside from Steve Jobs himself. Along with Steve Jobs, Cook has helped pinpoint Apple’s mission and when Jobs took his first leave of absence in 2009 Cook said, “”We believe that we’re on the face of the earth to make great products and that’s not changing.”

Cook won’t settle for anything less that the excellence that is Apple’s core value. So when he proclaimed, “Frankly, we don’t settle for anything less than excellence in every group in the company.” You can put money that things aren’t going to change much at Apple.

So when it comes to who is Tim Cook, he’s the well paid new head guy in charge who makes over $59 million a year compared to Steve Jobs’ $1 a year salary. He’s the guy who takes Apple’s amazing ideas and turns them into a big pile of cash! He’s also a big Auburn football fan, according to Business Insider. Now that’s what’s up!