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RapRadar got their mitts on an excerpt of Jay-Z‘s best seller Decoded, which is scheduled for a paperback release on November 1st.  

The paperback edition is expanded and will feature three new songs to be decoded. 

STORY: Jay-Z Is More Like Warren Buffet Than You Think!

Here’s one of two paragraphs RR posted this morning. In this section Hova explains the songs he chose to decipher.

Let me go back to the beginning: I sat in my studio one night at the start of the process of writing this book, trying to decide which songs to include. Throughout the night, different people came through the studio, including some of the people I’ve worked with closest throughout my career—my engineer, Young Guru; Memphis Bleek; Pharrell; Steve Stoute; dream hampton; and others. I was taking a break from finishing up the Blueprint 3 album, and hung out there for hours while people came and went, playing songs and telling stories, some of which made it into this book. Memphis Bleek told his side of the story of how we worked together on “Coming of Age,” Young Guru remembered that moving moment when Scarface rewrote his verses for “This Can’t Be Life,” Steve told us about how young corporate guys he knew were psyching themselves up for business meetings by listening to “Public Service Announcement” (and dream remembered the Dave Chappelle “When ‘Keeping It Real’ Goes Wrong” bit where a character did the same thing and got fired).

Read the other excerpt here.

SOURCE: RapRadar