The Daily Grind Video

Why can’t a white person dress up as Kimbo Slice, Idris Elba, or even Flava Flav for Halloween? Earlier today I saw a post on this site titled, Do: Have Fun For Halloween, Don’t: Paint A Black, Brown Or Yellow Face

Are we still on that? The lead photo was a picture of a white guy dressed up as Kimbo Slice and I honestly had no problem with it. 

I thought his costume was kind of dope. 
Now before you start telling me about the history of racism and black face, I know about all of that but Halloween should be different. 

PHOTOS: Last Minute Halloween Costumes: Nicki Minaj Do It Yourself Guide 

If a white man dresses like Kimbo Slice because he thinks Kimbo Slice is cool and paints his face in the process, I’m cool with that. Now if he paints his face black and says he’s Billy Van star of his own Minstel Show, then not acceptable.

Burn a cross outside of his house while blasting Public Enemy! 

No, I’m kidding, let’s not resort to violence, you get my point. 

I think people are too quick to jump to judgement based off the past. Slavery is over, segregation is over and if putting on make up to be your favorite celebrity for Halloween is call for an uprising, then maybe Halloween should be over too! 

I’m just saying! 

We need to loosen up a little bit, have fun and learn how to decipher between racist white people and white people who just find Black people fascinating. Because believe it or not, we are pretty frigging awesome! 

~ Blog Xilla