The Daily Grind Video

For nearly 50 days, the demonstrators of Occupy Wall Street have been voicing their frustrations against America’s corrupt banking system, creating a worldwide movement.

STORY: Profiling The 99 Percent

We have been talking to many Occupiers who feel that the American Dream they’ve been hearing about for so long has almost completely vanished.

STORY: Profiling The 99 Percent

That is why we have joined forces with Flexyourfreedom, a website dedicated to supplying people with the proper tools and resources to educate themselves on how money works and how they can ultimately achieve the American dream.

They have joined us in our fight to Occupy Wall Street, by putting together a great video showing the 99 percent in action.

Take a look, and if you need to be schooled on money or to free yourself from the shackles of the banking industry, go to