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Newly married Fernando Brazier, 28, did the unthinkable last week after his wedding, he killed himself.

After exchanging vows with his new wife Trudian Hay, Fernando committed suicide. Fernando left a note on the front desk of the Radisson Hotel in New Rochelle where the nuptials were being held.

The FDNY said they found Fernando’s body in water near Roberto Clemente State Park at around 3 p.m. yesterday, November 22.

STORY: HOLY JEEZ! Mom Kills 2 Kids, Wounds 4, Then Kills Self In Love Triangle (DETAILS)

According to the NY Post who spoke with Fernando’s sister, Shawna Weeks, she said-

“He said in the note he couldn’t take it anymore, and to take care of the kids… He left his ring in the envelope… He would tell me that Trudy is a good person, but he didn’t want to marry her; he was feeling like he was pressured… He wanted the children raised in one house” with both parents…”

Fernando’s aunt Lee Brown said that she walked up to her nephew before the marriage ceremony and asked him if he was sure he wanted to go through with it and he responded saying it was too late now.

According to Fernando’s brother, Kevin, he expressed a lot of what he was going through in rap music and recently sent him a song that he recorded about suicide titled “Ambulance and Call in the Cavalry.”

We can only speculate why Fernando chose suicide but if it was over being pressured into marriage I cannot be completely sympathetic.

Regardless, this is a sad time for the Brazier family. Our deepest condolences go out to them.