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Black History Month isn’t about listing off famous African-Americans of the past; it’s about celebrating the innovative spirits of the men and woman who have made significant contributions to make our nation stronger.

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One of the great minds often spoken about during Black History Month is George Washington Carver, the director of agricultural research at the Tuskegee Institute. Carver developed hundreds of applications for farm products important to the economy of the South, including the peanut, which he became famous for. 

But for every George Washington Carver there’s a Dr. Charles Drew, the scientist and doctor who transformed, set up and operated the first blood plasma bank at the Presbyterian Hospital in New York City.

Through his research and innovations, Drew determined that creating a system for the long-term preservation of blood plasma would save lives. Dr. Drew found that plasma kept longer than whole blood, thus revolutionizing the medical profession while saving countless lives.

Drew isn’t the only relatively unknown black inventor. In honor of Black History Month, take a look at the men and women who helped make our country great.