The Daily Grind Video

And the bizarreness continues!

A video posted on YouTube friday has been spreading like wild fire and shows an officer at a Walmart threatening several men with a taser. The police officer then stated he would arrest them because they were fearful of being tased.

DETAILS: What In The?!? Sanford Police Didn’t Want To Release The Trayvon Martin 911 Tapes

RawStory says:

In the video, the unnamed officer approaches several men who are filming outside of a Walmart, then draws his Taser after the men say that they do not have to show him their identifications. When one man reaches toward the officer, he reacts angerly and accuses him of resisting, then claims later in the video he’d already been “hurt,” although it’s not clear by whom.

The man who appeared to gesture toward the officer apparently did so out of fear that his friend might be tazed, and did quite make contact when the officer flung his arms up and knocked his hand aside.

At the end of the video, another one of the men informs the officer that he’s a dialysis patient and could possibly die if tazed!

Checking out this cop’s shocking behavior in the video above.

SOURCE: Raw Story