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House actress Olivia Wilde was ready for change!

DETAILS: On & OFF Camera: Olivia Wilde & Jason Sudeikis Heat Up!

The 28-year-old actress premiered her new honey-colored locks, which were pulled back in a loose chignon, on a recent episode LIVE! With Kelly.

Of her new luscious hue, Jason Sudeikis’ girlfriend said:

“It is so much more fun! ..I was blonde for years. I did it for a movie. I did it for this Ron Howard movie I just finished called Rush, which is set in the 70’s. It’s all about formula one racing.”

The feisty natural blonde, who will return for House‘s series finale, is also interested in politics and women’s rights. She recently stood her ground against Mitt Romney on Twitter:

“Mitt Romney on Planned Parenthood: “We’re going to get rid of that.” BACK THE F OFF MY RIGHTS, WILLARD.”

PHOTOS: Olivia Wilde Is Chuck Norris Tough

Check out the photo gallery of Olivia’s new spring hair do!