The Daily Grind Video

The pursuit of happiness is a lifelong journey. Along the way we are joined by family, friends and ones we fall in love with. When you find
somebody special that loves you just the same, and sometimes more, you have to hold on tight to that someone. But sometimes your focus falters and your grip loosens…and you let go of that person.

In life there are no mistakes and there should be no regrets. We often times think we made mistakes and that we should have regrets, but a Yogi knows that the “world is in perfect order.”  So when somebody on my staff sent me a picture of my ex-girlfriend, Melissa George, and her new boyfriend, I didn’t know how to feel. At first I felt regret because the relationship Melissa and I had was incredibly special. But, when I looked at the photograph again, the smile on her face and the look of her new boyfriend made me believe that their relationship is incredibly special as well.

At the same time, after being married for many years to a fabulous woman, I know that when love is pure, there is nothing better. So I’m happy that Melissa is in love. However, she did tell me that he is the exact opposite of me! I’m not sure, but I guess that’s a good
thing. 🙂 One thing is for sure, your ex-girlfriend always looks better next to a handsome, French millionaire.

I continue my journey towards happiness knowing that I came close, but this one just wasn’t it. It sometimes is lonely to not have a partner by your side but it is also wonderful to be on the pursuit. There is no predetermined road map to happiness so I just put my faith in being a good person and knowing that one day I will find a lady to fall in love with. In the meantime, I send a piece of my prayer to the happiness of Melissa George and her new beau.

Russell Simmons