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TIME Magazine’s breast-feeding cover has been a hot topic across the social media landscape as it continues to leave people in shock.

STORY: WOW! TIME Magazine Covers A Mom Breastfeeding Her 3-Year-Old Son!

Photographed by Martin Schoeller, we see Jamie Lynne Grumet with her 3-year-old son suckling her breast while he stares into the camera.

The cover reflects the inside story of how many mothers still subscribe to attachment parenting, which stands by three main tenets are extended breast-feeding, co-sleeping and “baby wearing,” in which infants are physically attached to their parents by slings.

Setting the story aside, what has everyone talking is the cover, the shock and awe hasn’t subsided, but is the TIME cover really the most controversial?

We don’t think so! Take a look at a few other covers that are way more shocking in the gallery above.