The Daily Grind Video

This Terry Jones is an embarrassment to REAL Christians.  To burn the Koran is about the most unchristian thing a preacher, of all people, could do.  Would Jesus resort to this sort of hate-filled act?  NO!  Jesus was radically inclusive.  Jesus’ message to us was to LOVE ye on another…treat your fellowman as you would want to be treated.  Jesus DID NOT command us to be hateful bigots by fanning the flames (literally) of prejudice and intolerance.  

Just because people can get a state license to be a “person of the cloth” does not mean that that person is enlightened or has an ounce of sense.  In my personal opinion, this Terry Jones is totally a fake Christian.  I’m sure Jesus would be shaking his head and disapprove of this guys actions…and ANYONE ELSE who wants to engage in this despicable act!  RIDICULOUS!  And… if Jones is burning the Koran because he thinks that the 911 attacks were strictly of Muslim origin, he’d better think again.  But that is the subject of another discussion.


Further more, to choose September 11th to do this negative act is very disrespectful to the families and loved ones who are holding this day in a sacred space. 9/11 is a day to mourn and remember the GOOD lives of the people who perished.  It should be a day when peace and love rule the day to counteract the sadness that still remains.  Most places of worship are having services to uplift mourners.  I think Jones needs to visit one of these services to learn a thing or two about being a REAL Christian!