The Daily Grind Video

Anthony Davis has had a whirlwind of a year, and we mean that in the best way possible!

At just 19 years old, Anthony was the number one NBA draft pick and also became the youngest baller to play on the Men’s Olympic Basketball team in London this year. 

PHOTOS: Obama Clowns Anthony Davis, While Michelle Looks Over Chicago

But with great things come great expectations – and groupies. GlobalGrind caught up with the baller on a break from hooping for the opportunity to talk about everything from his “unique” unibrow (he trademarked his brow-inspired sayings “Fear The Brow” and “Raise The Brow” back in June) to his relation to Chicago rapper Chief Keef and of course, how the ladies are responding to his newfound position of fame. 

STORY: Fear The Brow! Anthony Davis Trademarks His Facial Hair!

Check out the exclusive interview in the video above.