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Two rappers are wanted after robbing a recording studio in Maryland and leaving a song behind as their “fingerprints”.

According to ABC News, the two men came to the studio unannounced and without an appointment where they recorded a 3-minute song with a group present.

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Once they were finished recording, they left the studio and came back with firearms to hold up those left in the studio.

While details are still unclear as to what valubles were taken, they did force at least three people to hand over money.

Studio manager Carlos Garcia recently tweeted about the incident:

“To all who have heard about the incident at the studio. Thanks for your concerns. Nobody was hurt and nothing from the studio was taken.”

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Yahoo! News reports:

Garcia and his employees suspect the rappers are local because of references in their song. Because the Laurel rap community is small, he and the police hope someone will recognize the voices on “Larry Hoover” and identify the suspects.

“We’re working on the security videos of the area,” Laurel city spokesman Pete Piringer said. “We’re still looking for the bad guys. We’re hoping somebody might recognize the voices of these guys and come forward.”

Hopefully some more information can come forward in this story. We’re glad no one was hurt.

SOURCE: Yahoo! News