The Daily Grind Video

Ray J captured the attention of the internet this weekend when he released the artwork for his latest single, “I HIt It First,” a not-so-subtle dedication to Kim Kardashian. 

Now only did he prove that he’s a bigger attention whore than Kim, he also started a funny new internet trend. Pixelating pictures and claiming to be first at something. 

AUDIO: Ray J Speaks On “I Hit It First” I’m not Trying To Start A War

Since we find it totally hilarious, we gathered some of the best mock covers and made of few of our own for your viewing enjoyment. Try not to laugh too hard. 

Tell em why you’re mad Ray J. Yeezy strikes back with a quick freestyle. 

What if Justin Timberlake starts feeling bitter and takes off his Suit and Tie to collab with Kevin Federline?

They say it ain’t where you’re from it’s where you’re at and Yeezy is in the place to be.

Talk about disrespectful. 

This might actually be a dope track. Remember when Eddie Winslow was thinking about doing music? This one might be Super. 

Lil Kim started it with her promo picture and Nicki picked it up where she left off. We can see Kim trying to remind her. 

Check your own videos – you’ll always be number two. 

That’s a very good question, but we already know the answer to that. Yeezy.