The Daily Grind Video

Update at 8:44 am: The University of Missouri’s Online Emergency Information Center has released a statement saying that it has captured a suspect who posted threats in response to the recent race protests on Yik Yak and various other social media outlets. The suspect has been identified by NBC News as Hunter Park, 19.

“Safety is the university’s top priority and we are working hard to assure that the campus remains safe while information is obtained and confirmed.”

The center says that the suspect was not on or near the campus when the suspected posted the threats and is urging concerned students and protestors to check their website for updates.

White students have continued to mock and belittle the protests, comparing news segments covering the events on campus and the threats being made to students to sightings of monsters like Godzilla:

Original story: Just one day after the resignation of University Of Missouri President Tim Wolfe, Black students were sharing frightening accounts of hate groups threatening to shoot them, chanting racial epithets and terrorizing them on campus.

On Tuesday night, the campus’ Black Culture Center was briefly placed on lockdown after a threat was phoned in during a meeting of the Missouri Legislative Black Caucus.

At the same time, terrified students took to social media to share their accounts of men circling their cars in pickup trucks without license plates, screaming “White Power” and declaring they’ve had enough of the protests.

One student shared her terrifying encounter on Twitter, writing of how she was shaking from fear after being surrounded in Speaker’s Circle on campus.

 She Tweeted:

If you are black and on campus GO HOME there is a racist meeting in speaker circle they are threatening us saying don’t come tmmrw

Meanwhile, on the app Yik Yak, where users have been posting racist messages since the president’s resignation Monday, the posts took a sinister turn. Multiple users posted threats to the safety of Black students, declaring they would “shoot every Black person” they saw.

Payton Head, the student body president, initially tweeted that there were confirmed sightings of the KKK on campus, but later retracted his statement and apologized.

Many of the students expressed fear and outrage at members of the faculty and staff who refused to cancel classes or exams, despite the threats.

The university’s Twitter page said that authorities were investigating the incident, but, in spite of the numerous reports from multiple sources, told students there was “no real threat.”

This is a developing story. We will keep you updated with the latest information as we receive it.

SOURCE: NBC News, YikYak, Twitter | PHOTOS: Getty, Twitter