The Daily Grind Video

I’m from Brooklyn, NY. That means I know a lot of dudes that have had to spend time in the infamous Rikers Island prison. Luckily i’ve only had the pleasure of visiting for a family member and for a photoshoot with Foxy Brown (that’s a whooooole ‘nother story I could make a movie about). When I went for Foxy’s shoot I was in the women’s detention center, I believe they call it the ‘Rosie’ building. We went through a series of screenings and metal detectors and had the doors and gates slam lock behind us upon entry. I wasn’t so must shook as i was alert. If we were in the men’s housing unit, I’d probably be so high strung you could play me like a ukulele

However, when some women with strong Debo type voices were yelling at us (but couldn’t see us), I thought ‘I wonder if it came to it, if me and the dudes I’m with could take these tough broads?’ I know it’s silly, but that’s what I thought. If the women are in here and sound like that, then they must have a good knuckle game…how is Foxy making out in here? Well, she was separated from the masses as much as possible. Aside from the infrequent mishap, she did her time on her own. 

That same solitary situation is what I envision for Lil Wayne. A bid that will be highly uneventful for the hottest rapper on the planet. He’s already a book junkie on the low. I don’t care what he says in interviews about not reading, that dude is a scholar that’s hungry for knowledge. I think he’ll also detox a bit. He’ll come down off that high life of being high a majority of the time he’s awake in these streets. Will he get some perks? Of course. He’s Birdman Jr., he’ll probably have the finest meals ever prepared in that spot. Mr. Chow himself might set up shop in the kitchen and mix up that expensive gumbo special for dude. What about girls? He’ll have them lined up out the check in area like it’s one of his concerts. Can’t you see some crazed fan coming up to visit him, just on the humble to see if they can do it? I do. Shit if I was one I’d try, just to see if the shit worked. Weed? I think he could get it in there, especially if he gets to keep his locks. He’d just twist some in one of those long ass strands and burn a lock a day for a month. By the end of spring he’d look like Amber Rose. I’d bet he’d find a way to smoke though, for real. 

The game is going to miss him while he’s taking some time off, a street vacation if you will. Weezy will not be forgotten though, he shot like 2,000 videos with the extra month off in sentencing delays (since when do court houses catch fire right before a big Madison Square Garden Jay-Z concert? What is this, an episode of Law and Order?). He’s had more delays than a Money Mayweather fight…oh, and fights behind the wall, he won’t even have to worry, cus if you’re a goon, what’s a goon to his goblin?

Being the self proclaimed ‘Best Rapper Alive’ is easy, the hard part is, finding a way to live with himself without his readily available vices. Let’s see if Wayne can handle the world inside his brain while inside the belly of the beast. 

Hold ya head playboy.

Datwon Thomas (<a href