The Daily Grind Video

<p>By Boyce Watkins, PhD on Feb 1st 2010 9:42AM Filed under: News, Politics, President Obama, Race and Civil Rights</p><p>This latest salvo is just another disrespectful sign of the ignorance of this TeaBagger (or whatever they call themselves)crowd. They will never miss an opportunity to insult this President personally, and with a vehemance which surpasses simple racial ignorance. By painting themselves into such an extremist corner, it’s easy to blow off their occasonal racial insults, but I still pray for our Presidents’ safety.</p><p>Reply to this Comment&nbsp;|&nbsp;Report This</p><p>PRESIDENT OBAMA MADE IT CLEAR THAT HE IS TIRED OF THE MEDIA POUNCING ON SOUND BITES AND BASICALLY B.S. FROM THE RIGHT…AND SO AM I AS WELL AS OTHERS.QUIT POSTING THIS CRAP BY THOSE RACIST EVIL HATEFUL RETARD TEA BAGGERS. THEY WANT AMERICA TO FAIL THEY BELONG TO THE PARTY OF "NO". SO STOP POSTING THEIR HATEFUL MESSAGES. I VOTED FOR PRESIDENT OBAMA TO CHANGE IF NOT ALL AT LEAST SOME OF THE WRONGS THAT TOOK PLACE DURING THE BUSH ADMINSTRATION. THIS IS 2010, THIS IS PRESIDENT OBAMA’S SECOND TERM. LET’S NOT WASTE IT ON EVIL HATEFUL SICK MINDED TEA BAGGERS.THEY WANT TO SAY PRESIDENT OBAMA IS A PIMP AND I SAY THE TEA BAGGERS ARE BLUE EYE DEVILS SO THERE WHAT ABOUT IT. LET’S MOVE ON AND STOP WITH THIS STUPID SH-T!</p><p>&nbsp;Report This</p>