The Daily Grind Video

First things First, Congratulations President Barack Obama!!!!
There are thousands of different ways to train, you just have to research and find the one that works for you.  Sit and plan your workout before you go!  Ask yourself some basic questions… What do you want to accomplish? (ie. the purpose for working out), whats not too sore? (you have to watch over-training)… then plot out the workout.
I enjoy circuit training, or that’s what I call it anyway, some refer to it as interval training… non stop movement till I’m done with the workout so I can burn maximum calories.  The way my trainer has it planned is focusing on the larger muscle groups first then ending with the smaller since the fatigue hits me pretty hard.  So we plan out the first circuit… say we’re going to do a back exercise, a chest exercise and an ab exercise.  We’ll repeat the circuit 2 – 3 times then go up and do a piece of cardio for 3-5mins.  Or another variation would be to add in a leg exercise, so we would repeat the circuit 2-3 times, including the leg exercise then maybe skip the cardio, then go straight into the next circuit…. that’s much harder!  Say the next circuit is a different back exercise, a different chest or maybe a shoulder press, and ab, then another leg exercise… repeat 2-3 times… then straight to the next circuit.  You get the idea… toward the end we incorporate the smaller muscle groups, such as arms and start adding the cardio because my body is shutting down but I still want to keep my heart rate moving!
So if you do a 30 minute circuit followed by 30 minutes of cardio…. you’ll burn maximum calories!
So far we’ve covered many different areas that you now can start putting it all together to find the perfect plan for you…. it all works together… the healthy eating, the frequency of eating, the workouts, the kind of workouts, etc.  So you probably have a lot of questions starting to pop up now.  Hit me up, and we’ll answer some of them in my fitness tips!  Send your questions to, my trainer and I will work together to get you the best response back!

Gorilla Zoe