The Daily Grind Video

What a powerful song by Eminem. I have great respect for a person who can own up to his mistakes, especially when that person is in the public eye. Welcome back Eminem. For the rest of us who are not in the public eye; why can’t we take responsbility for our own actions? Success doesn’t require for us to be perfect, thankfully. The only requirement is to take a STAND for what you believe in and not give in until it’s a reality.

It’s time to stop blaming everyone except ourselves for our misfortunes. It’s time to stop blogging, twitting.youtubing and texting about celeberities who make mistakes and realize they are not perfect. they’re human just like the rest of us. They are living their dreams despite their past, despite any fears they may have; despite any addictions or demons they may be carrying around and despite the constant ridicule from the public.

If we take the time to show some compassion, for these people in the public eye like  athletes, musicians, actors and government officials we could learn a lot about ourselves. For example, it takes a lot of guts for Eminem to admit that his last two CDs weren’t good, on top of that he admits it in one of his song so you can hear it over and over again.  That deserves praise. Many of these people have shown us that we can achieve our DREAMS deapite our imperfections. 

It doesn’t matter who our parents are; how much money we have; what race you are or how little education you might have; all that matters is that you TAKE A STAND AND NOT BE AFRAID. Let’s praise and promote the positive that people are doing; this way our energies stay positive and possibly we will stay focused on our own DREAMS. This isn’t just to help you it’s to help me also. SO LET’S SAY IT TOGETHER. I’M NOT AFRAID TO TAKE A STAND AND LIVE MY DREAMS. AMEN