The Daily Grind Video

<p>With our favorite rappers getting arrested, robbed and sentenced to jail on a daily basis, it&rsquo;s hard to keep up with who&rsquo;s earning or losing street cred. Like the stock market, the value of street cred rises and falls. Plies for instance, lost cred when he hid from goons in a bathroom at his video shoot. On the contrary, Lil&rsquo; Boosie&rsquo;s street cred went through the roof when his initial one-year prison sentence quadrupled into the length of a Presidential term due to parole violations.</p><p>But how do we calculate the value of such a priceless commodity? I propose a &ldquo;point system.&rdquo; From now on, rappers will tally a certain amount of points based on their stupid&hellip; uh, I mean strategic methods of reinforcing credibility. By the same token they will lose points for doing things that tarnish a gangsta&rsquo;s resume; like taking a stand on politics, exposing the downside of drug dealing and other trivial shit.</p><p>Below the jump, I&rsquo;ve devised a foolproof system that will change the Hip-Hop game forever&hellip;</p><p><strong>READ MORE AT THE SPIZZY</strong></p>