The Daily Grind Video

A young black woman is seen fighting women and a man in the parking lot of an Oakland, CA Burger King. A side-note is that she is pregnant.


Why? First of all, you have a group of black women fighting each other, most likely over nonsense. Second, you have black women with a total lack of manners, morals or self-control. Furthermore, these women display a total lack of self-respect. Third, which in my opinion is the most egregious act− the total lack of respect, caring, or consideration for this woman’s unborn child? This includes all parties involved, namely the actions of the people, who are trying to kill the unborn child by kicking her in the stomach. The lack of personal honor/ dignity is another problem as the video shows people ganging up on others, men hitting women, and the unborn child abuse.

What is wrong with this woman? What was done that affected her to the point where she felt fighting was the right response.

The ignorance is astonishing. Some people would think this is funny, like those who videotaped this incident, but it’s not. This is a microcosm of many things that are wrong with our community. The lack of respect for black lives, young and immature parents, child abuse and neglect, black people fighting for no good reason, and a black man assaulting a black woman.

The unborn black child will obviously lead a difficult life. If he/she did survive the battle, they may live and suffer from birth defects caused by injuries sustained on that day. It may also suffer because of its mother’s selfish attitude. She showed no consideration for that baby and I pray to God that the Child Services department of Oakland can find that child a more suitable home.

As for the male/female assault− I have a very traditional view of dealing with women, in that a man should never lay his hands on a woman−now here is where I deviate− unless his life is