The Daily Grind Video

President Obama made a passionate speech on Labor Day in Milwaukee.  He spoke the straight truth of his plans and attempts to improve the job situation and stimulate the economy only to continually hit Republican obstinate opposition EVERY SINGLE TIME!

It boggles the mind how Republican voters and supporters have amnesia and don’t realize that this economy went down the toilet under the Bush Administration. Yet Obama gets ALL the blame for it.  Clearly the Repub opposition does nothing to benefit the people of this nation or provide solutions to our multitude of problems.  They come up empty with answers and continue to cater to special interest groups and corporations rather than “we the people” for whom who they are supposed to be working. 


Obama recently tried to pass a bill to SAVE the jobs of teachers, policemen, fire fighters and nurses, and the repubs gave their rubber stamp of “NO!”  Come on!  Each of these services are vital to having the country run well… and you say “NO!” to this?  Ass backwards!


The President quoted the late Ted Kennedy by saying, “What is it about working men and women that they (Republicans) find so offensive?”  He also said, “I read letters every night, and it breaks my heart what the American people are going through.” 


Obama is trying to set up programs to stimulate the economy, create jobs and move this country forward. But Repubs reject the president’s efforts each time a workable bill with a solution comes up for a vote.


Obama used this clever analogy.  “In your car, when you want to drive forward you put your car in “D”.  The Republicans will put it in “R” reverse.”


So now, the President is introducing a new plan to put Americans back to work by revitalizing roads, runways and  railroad tracks.  The 50 billion dollars for this project will NOT add to the deficit.  Instead, Obama is cutting some of the fat from tax breaks given to corporations who outsource jobs to other countries and using that recovered money to fund this project.  Sounds like Robin Hood to me.  So stay tuned and see what the repub party of “No!” negative response will be to this plan.  


In “NO”vember, election time, I hope that people with an ounce of sense can see who is really keeping this country from moving forward… the party of “NO!”  How can they deserve your