The Daily Grind Video

Investigators said Wednesday that a 2-month-old infant was poisoned to death by a dangerous drug in his mother’s milk. Police charged the mother with the baby’s murder.

Kaisha Poulson is charged with murder in the death of her 2-month-old son, Jack.

Police said autopsy results received this week showed that the baby boy died last March from massive methamphetamine poisoning. Investigators said they believe meth in the mother’s milk killed the child.

‘The mother was breast feeding the child and passed the methamphetamine to the child resulting in the death of the child,’ said Scott Israel of the Fayetteville Police Department.

On March 7, police were called to Poulson’s home on Bates Avenue in Fayetteville.

‘It was a 911 call. The mother woke up and the baby was dead in the house and she went frantically knocking on neighbors doors to get someone to call 911,’ said Israel.


Poulson’s baby was taken to the state medical examiners office.

In June, Paulson was arrested on charges of possessing the drugs, GHB and morphine.

Investigators had been waiting on the toxicology report from the state crime lab to determine if the mother’s drug use contributed to her nursing infant’s death.

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