The Daily Grind Video

Do we have to run through the super racist shit “non-racists” say all the time…again!

LIST: SKIN DEEP! “Accidental Racist” & 10 Songs About Race Relations 

Maybe Jim Gile didn’t get the memo when he decided to use the term “nigger-rigging” and then justified his slur with the all-too common line…”I have a black friend.”

Come on dude. We’ve been down this road before!

The incident happened when Saline County Commissioner Gile, 68, was in a study session with his fellow commissioners when the subject of hiring an architect to design the repairs for the county’s Road and Bridge Department building came up. 

Giles told the county that he preferred to hire an architect over having someone “nigger-rigging it.”

Uh…excuse me?

His comment brought laughter from others in the room. Salinan Ray Hruska, who attends most commission meetings and study sessions, asked Gile what he said.

“Afro-Americanized,” Gile replied.

Come again? Afro-Americanized? Where is he getting these terms!

But Gile was well within his rights, in his own mind. Only because he has a black friend and has built homes for coloreds.

“I am not a prejudiced person,” Gile said in his apology. “I have built Habitat homes for colored people.” He added that he has a close black friend “whom he regards as a sister.”

Dude…again with the terms…”colored!”

He has since apologized, blaming his choice of words on having “grown up” around the term.

DETAILS: MAMA SAID KNOCK IT OFF! LL Cool J Responds To “Accidental Racist” Controversy 

But something tells me that he knows exactly what he’s saying and how offensive it could be. But hey…having a black friend excuses it all, now doesn’t it? SMH!

SOURCE: Gawker