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Another day… another act of discrimination?

Miles and MacCraig Warren claim a U.S. Airways airline employee refused to let them into first class unless they changed out of their hoodies and jeans.

According to a report by the Daily News:

Miles and MacCraig Warren were flying home from Denver to Los Angeles after a relative’s funeral last August. The brothers say an airline employee stopped them at the gate, asking MacCraig to remove his baseball cap and telling Miles to change into a button-up shirt, nicer shoes and slacks.

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Lawyer Rodney Diggs told the New York Daily News:

“They were told that this was the policy if you wanted to ride in first class,”

Now this is not too unusual protocal for most airlines when it comes to first class however Miles and MacCraig claim that after following instructions and boarding the flight they were shocked to see Michael Heffernan, a white passenger, and Edward DeLeon, his Filipino friend, wearing the same clothing they weren’t allowed to wear–jeans and hoodies.

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Diggs says:

“They were very upset when they saw the other two gentlemen sitting right across from them. This is definitely racial discrimination and a violation of their civil rights.”

The brothers filed a lawsuit in federal court this week, seeking punitive damages for discrimination and emotional distress.

Todd Lehmacher, a spokesperson for U.S. Airways, told the New York Daily News that the company is currently reviewing the complaint and in a statement said:

“We welcome customers of all ethnicities and backgrounds and do not tolerate discrimination of any kind. We take these allegations seriously. Employees are aware of the travel policy and required to understand the expectations when utilizing their pass privileges,” 

Diggs said his clients were never informed that different policies applied to reduced fare and regular fare passengers and:

“If this is a policy, it has to be practiced at all times and not just selectively implemented when they want it to be implemented,” 

Trouble… trouble… For more info check out the video above.

SOURCE: Daily News