
Britney Spears just released her music video for ‘Hold It Against Me’ and while we love the track and the clip, we started listening to some of the lyrics a little more closely. We couldn’t help but smile over some of Ms. Spears’ breathy come-ons and coy flirtations. When Britney whispers ‘If I said I […]


Sarah Palin in Homer, Alaska goes relieves herself on Facebook by posting ‘And here I am, thousands of miles away from DC out on a commercial fishing boat, working my butt off for my own business, merely asking the Democrat politicos and their liberal friends in the media: ‘What’s the plan, man?’, and they seem […]


Sometimes I think people forget when they get tattoos that they’re permanent. Some things that may seem like a great idea at one point in your life may not hold that same importance years later. Things don’t stay popular forever. Tattoos are supposed to be meaningful and stand for something and maybe these pop culture […]


Rush Limbaugh on his radio show said yesterday that;‘Obama wouldn’t have been voted president if he weren’t black.’ and went on to say that Oprah and President Obama only succeeded because of their race. So our boy Keith Olberman aclled on Oprah to destroy and crush this schmuck!. The thing is when Rush makes statements […]


It’s one thing for a coterie of liberals at a late-night Washington soirée to say that George W. Bush was the worst president in their lifetimes. It’s another thing when the same is said by the nation’s 238 leading presidential scholars, who have been polled annually for the last 28 years. President Bush ranked worst […]


So I’ve already warned you ladies about your worst fashion, so the men, take note from me. I understand that you guys want to be on the cutting edge, new and trendy, but these looks MUST be banned from your wardrobe all together. YOU’VE BEEN WARNED! Du-Rags If you are not sleeping or taking a […]


Jeffery Hickson might go down as the worst father in history, this dude got his 9 year old daughter drunk. Hickson arrived at the home of the girls mother and her blood alcohol level was .165 which is twice the legal limit for DUI in the state of Georgia. The young girl was visiting her […]


We all had Them, we All Wanted Them, we All Wore them. We at GG would like to excuse and forgive you for making these horrible fashion choices, but we warn you, DO NOT EVER TRY AGAIN. Here is a break down of the 8 worst fashion trends in history. You’ve been warned. CHINESE SLIPPERS […]


These are the worst bathrooms on earth, a collection of toilets around the world you wouldn’t want to be caught dead in. There are many ‘Worlds Worst’ but this one might be the most disgusting, these aren’t outhouses in the backyard, these are toilets that people have to use, they have no choice but to […]

<p>Taken from Joe&rsquo;s most recent album Signature which is out now.</p>


<p>Wyclef talks to Anderson Cooper of CNN about Haiti earthquake, he reveals that his homeboy died, and is encouraging people to help.</p>


Don’t these people know that tattoos are forever. Which is the worst of the worst? The Sarah ‘Posion’ Palin The Crazy Clinton The ‘Reagan’   The F.D.R. U Crazy Man? The Stripper Of Liberty Damn!!! The Devilish Dick Blood Sucking Bush Hole in the head Lincoln Knuckle up Kennedy   Read more at: