
Unless a horrific tragedy happens, as consumers and producers of media, we sometimes forget that the world beyond America’s borders is inhabited by human beings who have less than us. We also forget that there are people with enterprising spirits and hearts who are interested in alleviating the suffering of the less fortunate. Hollywood actress […]


Human slavery is real, and it’s going to take everybody’s help to break the cycle! I’m here to tell you that sex trafficking is getting worse. It’s difficult to believe this can be happening in 2009. In my country of Cambodia and around the world, sex traffickers live off of the desperate lives of the […]


Human trafficking, otherwise known and including child labor, migrant smuggling, sex workers, debt bondage, or good old fashioned slavery, adds up to one inescapable reality.  An estimated 27 million human beings worldwide today are living lives of exploitation and humanity stripped bare beyond the bone of basic human rights. This is a bigger number than […]