We live in a world where people will tell you what you can’t do just because they can’t do them.   Thank goodness for the strong minded folks who don’t let the naysayers stop their shine. Like deaf dancer Chris Fonseca. The London native developed meningitis at a very young age he was made completely […]


Claude Ruffin, 62, says officers came into his room at a Long Island City shelter on New Year's Eve, grabbed him and walked him outside. When the veteran pulled his arm away from one of the cops, a struggle ensued. It wasn't until Ruffin felt one of the cop's guns that he realized he was dealing with law enforcement.

Nicki Minaj was offered an olive branch after a video clip of her joking around with some friends offended the wheelchair community.


United Airlines released a detailed apology to the man with cerebral palsy who crawled off one of their airplanes after delayed assistance from employees.

DoNotUse, News

DArcee Neal was waiting for an aisle-sized chair from an airline worker after arriving at Reagan National Airport Tuesday evening. When no one showed up to help him into his wheelchair, he was forced to crawl off the plane.


A California high school student is facing battery charges after he was recorded fighting his partially blind classmate, NBC News reports. The fight occurred Wednesday at Huntington…


A standoff between a wheelchair-bound man and Delaware police officers ended tragically when the disabled man was shot to death.

The arrest of a homeless and disabled man in San Francisco is raising questions about police conduct after several officers were seen handling the man so…

San Francisco officials are launching an internal investigation after a video was released that shows an officer pushing a man in a wheelchair into the street. The incident took place Jan. 18 during an arrest in the Visitacion Valley neighborhood. Bo Frierson, who happened to be friends with the people being arrested, approached the police to find out […]