The iconic actor responds to Bill Cosby's guilty verdict in the most hilarious way possible.

We all have that one friend who is always there when we need them. Any time we find ourselves in need, they’re right there by our side. They ride for you, but will they die for you? Check out this rapper bigging up how loyal his crew is….until it’s time to die for the homies. […]

It’s a rainy Monday in NYC, so we need all the laughs we can get and this video does the trick. One pet owner was fed up after his cat destroyed multiple rolls of toilet paper—so fed up, he forced the little monster to clean up his own mess. Press play. Instagram comedian Vontee (@imvontee) hit us with a special skit just in time for the warm weather. If you’re from NYC, you know everybody gets to acting up for the summer—cuffing is tolerated in the winter, but when the sun comes out it’s all about links and drinks. Watch Vontee play a girl who’s […]

Ladies, do you ever wonder why your wigs aren’t in the same place you kept them? Do you find that your wigs do not have the luster and shine they once had? The answer is simple: it’s because your man has been taking them for a test drive. This is what your man does with […]

We’ve all been complaining about the weather for a really, really long time. In fact, here in NYC, we’re so ecstatic about it being 70 degrees this weekend, we’re literally counting down the days. But nobody—I repeat, nobody—is as tired of the cold, rain, and snow as Fox 17 weather reporter Garry Frank is. And […]

When it comes to men and kids, sometimes the fatherly instinct takes a little bit longer to kick in. This awkwardly hilarious video proves that men truly don’t know what to do when they’re in the presence of a baby. Sometimes doing it for the ‘Gram doesn’t go quite as planned. In the clip up top, a young girl is getting ready to record her dance routine when a baby suddenly walks by. Not sure who’s kid that is, but (he?) becomes collateral damage in the blink of an eye. Press play for 10 […]