Jonah Hill’s recent weight loss has him full of energy for his long time girlfriend Jordan Klein. The two were all lovey dovey while heading to have lunch with a friend. Jonah kissed and hugged his girlfriend as the paparazzi watched and snapped photos like crazy.  PHOTOS: Jonah Hill Lost Mad Weight And Looks Great! […]


A YouTube video that’s recently gone viral shows six Israeli soldiers dancing to pop star Ke$ha’s ‘Tik Tok’ while on patrol in the West Bank city of Hebron. Ummmmm really? You’re a soldier, isn’t there something more productive you should be doing with your time? I understand soldiers live in a certain type of environment […]


  By Rabbi Marc Schneier and Russell Simmons Yesterday’s fatal shooting of a security guard at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, D.C. was an American tragedy.  A tragedy that hurts every bone in the body of this country.   Although we have lived through many tragedies before, each one hurts like it was […]