Happy Teacher Appreciation Week! Check out our favorite TV and movie teachers you might have wished were real.

Celebrate Robin Williams birthday with one of his beloved films, Mrs. Dobutfire. Read more about the film and watch deleted scenes inside.

Roald Dahl's Matilda the Musical heads to Netflix this holiday season. Watch the first-look teaser trailer inside.

Netflix is planning a 'Matilda' musical and some exciting news about the cast has surfaced.

When whether you turn in your homework or not could very well mean your life.

It's National Chocolate Cake Day, so there's no better time to reflect on Bruce Bogtrotter.

https://instagram.com/p/qjwNEeAlqX/?taken-by=marawritesstuff Actress Mara Wilson turns 28 today, but that’s not the only thing she has to celebrate. The anniversary of the 1996 film that made her famous, Matilda, turns 19 years old in a couple of weeks. Can you believe it? The cast of the film has gone seemingly under the radar over the years, […]